
NextReady has a built-in waiting list feature that you can use to collect emails from your users on the landing page. Here's the end-to-end flow and components you need to know:

Join the Waiting List

Get early access to our platform.

Database Schema

Add a WaitingList to the prisma/schema.prisma file with the following schema:


model WaitingList { id String @id @default(nanoid()) email String @unique name String? attributes Json? createdAt DateTime @default(now()) @db.Timestamptz(3) @map("created_at") updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt @db.Timestamptz(3) @map("updated_at") @@map("waiting_lists") }

Then, create the migration and update the database schema:


bun prisma migrate dev

API Endpoint

Create an API endpoint to add emails to the waiting list in the app/api/waitings/route.ts file:


import { db } from '@/lib/server/db' import { parsePayload } from '@/lib/server/payload' import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server' import { z } from 'zod' export const POST = async (req: NextRequest) => { const body = parsePayload( z.object({ email: z.string().email(), }), await req.json() ) if (body instanceof Error) { return NextResponse.json({ error: body.message }, { status: 400 }) } try { await db.waitingList.create({ data: { email: body.email } }) } catch (error) { // ignore if the email already exists } return NextResponse.json({}, { status: 202 }) }

Note. On a fresh installation, the waitlist feature is already on the home page. You can customize it by modifying the app/(landing)/page.tsx file. And, the admin panel to manage the waitlist is available at /~admin/waitings.